Saturday, 20 April 2013

Vicky & Arri | film & lomo

Here's a couple of random photos of Vicky & Arri's wedding(s).
Taken with the lovely little diana and nikon f100.
love it all!

Here you can view the legit photos on my other site:

Thursday, 7 March 2013

MarethColleen Fashionshoot

Last year I had my first fashion shoot with MarethColleen - you can view the complete post here.

On the day I also took a couple of photos with my nikon f100 and here's the somewhat cool but dodgy results:

Monday, 4 March 2013

lomo roadtrip

roadtrips are fun, sometimes not so much fun with 2 little ones in the back...
but sometimes just the fact that I can stick my hand and head out the window and take a photo with diana makes it all just seem a little bit more exciting

and then having to wait a couple of weeks before seeing what I got is priceless

lomo love

here's some images taken with my diana mini at a recent wedding - and what an awesome couple


So after a whole year of letting this little project of mine simmer in the background I have decided to use this blog as my personal blog - where I will be sharing my (sometimes crazy) thoughts and opinions.
Where my own little projects will get a voice and be seen for what it really is - ME.